
Monday, November 7, 2011

Sandoval: "This template is limited in some ways but not in faith"

Jose Ramon Sandoval said, after beating the Royal Society, to "win 4-0 in Premier League has merit" and said he was "satisfied" with the work of his team, who did not want anyone out since " block has generally been very good. "

"You have to see the virtues of the team because the players have realized that they needed this, and come out and have eaten at the Royal Society. This template is limited in some ways but not in faith. Now we must have feet on the ground, we need to get step by step the goal of salvation.

"A 4-0 win merit must be given even if the opponent has played one less. The Royal Society has a lot of quality players and win has much merit," he said.

"We will do that in all this fun hobby but we know we are going to suffer to win. We have seen Movilla doing incredible things, the two sides have been very good, even Labaka has been very good in his second career start . The team has shredded a good game and so you win 4-0, "he said.

"We believe that to be there we must keep working, because the effort of the players is the prize going to have. I'll take the block, with the ability to interpret the second part, and hunger that we had to win" he said.


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