
Monday, October 31, 2011

Rajon Rondo: "The lockout is beneficial"

The Boston Celtics are a tough team, seriously, rocky, experienced and very competitive, but also old. Three of the men who make up his starting lineup far exceed thirty. Paul Pierce (34 years), Kevin Garnett (35) and Ray Allen (36) rush their chances of achieving a second ring to put the climax to their careers, but on time plays against.

Rajon Rondo , the young franchise's historic base in Massachusetts, believes that the lockout will benefit the team, because veterans have a extra rest. At least that has been expressed in statements to Yahoo! Sports . "You will notice more freshness in the legs," said Rondo. "The guys have to be mentally and physically prepared for when the league starts," he said.

Apart from Pierce, Allen and Garnett, the Celtics have another veteran more current contract: Jermaine O'Neal (33).


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