
Monday, November 14, 2011

Stern: "The time for negotiating is over"

While waiting for the representatives of the 30 teams meet in New York on Monday, 14 to assess the offer of the NBA, David Stern has sent a letter that has been made ​​public to each player in the league to detail the offer and make it clear "confusion" created by "inaccurate information appeared during the weekend."

If the players agree, the NBA would start on December 15 and 72 games would be disputed.

Given the possibility that the unions met and decided to present a counterproposal to the NBA (while planning the possibility of the dissolution of the union ), the NBA commissioner has been adamant in an interview in USAToday: "We're done to negotiate. By law we are required to meet and negotiate. But I've told the players that after two and a half years negotiating this is our last offer and that in the upcoming negotiations will begin in 47% (BRI cast instead of proposed 50-50 ). "

In the letter to the players, Stern is clear: "In the latest proposal is a series of improvements over the previous one and we've told Billy (Hunter), Derek (Fisher) and other players in the negotiations that this is the best proposal that the NBA can do. (...) We admit the possibility that the player does not agree with the proposal (...) I ask you to consider the many commitments we have made ​​since our initial position in the negotiations detach the cap as "hard", remove the option of cutting the salaries of existing contracts and maintain our commitment to allow the players to negotiate fully guaranteed contracts and our agreement on the sharing of 50-50 in the BRI . We understand that our proposal does not satisfy all those who wanted the union in negotiations but the same happens to the NBA. "

Before including the memorandum of what was negotiated at the last meeting to clarify any doubt, Stern closes the letter with a direct message: "It is time to end the negotiations and reach an agreement that allows us to eliminate the harm they are suffering from both parties and the countless people who depend on the NBA way of life. I urge you to consider our proposal carefully and accept it as a fair compromise between the two sides "


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