
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

De la Rosa: "This challenge motivates me a lot"

Pedro de la Rosa, the next two seasons will pilot the HRT team, said he is "certainly a very important step" in his career and one of the most thoughtful. "" I'm in a good time to maturity and ready to take on this challenge that also motivates me a lot, "says De la Rosa said in a statement of his new team.

"When I joined this project, have been crucial for me three things: my dream to return to compete, the HRT team is Spanish and meet the team that leads this project, among them is Luis Perez-Sala ' he adds.

De la Rosa said HRT reaching "hard work, modesty and humility," which is the accepted starting point, but "being very clear," which will "be in two years." "For me it's time to apply everything I've learned over the years in top-level foreign teams to grow together. I am proud that Spain has an F1 team and its driver to be myself," he explains.

"I can only thank HRT has entrusted me to do so. And finally, also to thank McLaren for allowing me to take this step. I was very happy these eight seasons with them where I trained as a pilot and a person. Without they would not be here today, "de la Rosa.


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