
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nadal and Ferrer finally play in Mexico

The exhibition match between Rafael Nadal and David Ferrer was going to contest the December 8 in Mexico City was canceled due to the lack of a sponsor. The company International Marketing Latin America (Imlah), directed by Colombian Manuel Mate, said he was not able to gather enough sponsors to provide the minimum guarantees necessary for the so-called 'Giant Encounter'.

"We talked with several companies to enable the party in December, but most had told us that the year-end budget committed and that its resources were allocated for 2012," he said. Mate in March organized a meeting between Nadal and Novak Djokovic in Bogota, Colombia.

The organizers decided not to take a risk and have everything ready to host the party next year in Mexico. "I was over the end of the year, was not good date. Companies supporters told us if we consider the event in 2012. We have to start from scratch, but we hope to build on the work we had done. These projects work best with longer, "said the Colombian.

Mate said the players told him they are ready to reschedule the game in the first six months of 2012. "I was really looking forward to play in Mexico because I have good memories of my last participation in Acapulco, Nadal said in the statement of the company. The Mallorcan tennis player said he understands the reasons for the cancellation and looks forward to coming to return to play "in a country that so many good memories brings to my memory."


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