
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fisher and Hunter explained in a letter to the players the reasons for his resignation

From now on the news about the 'lockout' have different protagonists. Billy Hunter is no longer the 'bad' film for the owners and Derek Fisher can finally travel to Los Angeles to be with his family and rest after 137 days in which it has been the figurehead of the players in a negotiations have not come to fruition. Nothing stays the same.

Hours after announcing his resignation , the leadership of the National Association of Basketball Players (NBPA) sent a letter to all NBA players to explain how the situation is no union representation and to acknowledge the support of the players throughout the process.

This is the letter in full:

DATE: November 14, 2011
Today, by unanimous vote of the board and representatives of the players, the National Association of Basketball Players waiver as representative in your collective bargaining. As a result, we now operate as a trade association to assist and support the players in the NBA, but we can not participate in collective bargaining with the owners of the NBA. The Players Association, however, be used to support the NBA players individually in asserting their employment rights and that they are free of legal restrictions on the competence of your services.

For two and a half years , and more than 50 bargaining sessions, we sat at the table and tried to negotiate a fair labor agreement with the owners. Last week, with the arrival of a new ultimatum, a 'take it or leave it' long-term and unacceptable terms, Commissioner Stern and the owners left us no other choice. It has become clear that we have exhausted our asset to labor rights and continue the negotiations would not be the best interests of the players.

No union is our sincere hope that the NBA finally terminated by the illegal boycott and finally open the 2011-2012 season. Individually, each team is free to negotiate with free agents for your services. If the owners choose to continue with its policy, our view is that they will be doing with the danger of being subjected to significant antitrust responsibilities.

The decision we have taken is not taken lightly and has huge consequences. Among other things the following:

As already mentioned we can not participate in collective bargaining with the owners.

We can not defend any right to appear in the labor law on behalf of the players and we will withdraw our office before the National Labor Relations Board for unfair labor practices.

The Association will always be there to assist the players individually. To assert their rights outside of the labor laws and improve the conditions of all professional basketball players in the NBA. For example, among other things, we will try to:

Participate in group licensing activities.

Creating opportunities for players to improve their income off the field.

Encourage players to participate in civic and charitable activities on behalf of their fellow citizens and their communities.

Serve as an information center on your services as NBA players.

Do everything possible to promote, protect and enhance the careers of professional basketball players.

We will continue communicating with the players to respond to all questions on all kinds of business issues and our headquarters in New York will remain open. Please do not hesitate to contact Billy (Hunter) or any other person of the NBPA's legal department to resolve any questions or concerns you have. We hope that being a legal problem do not make comments, public or private, on these issues. You can send any questions to the legal department of the NBPA.

As always, thanks for your support.


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