
Monday, October 31, 2011

The Reus starts on the wrong foot in the OK League

The Reus Tecnol Deportiu after losing the Supercopa of Spain against Barca Gaby Cairo and have postponed the opening day game league did not begin his career on the right foot on the OK Liga 2011/12, of which they are champions. Alejandro Dominguez's team faced the Vic de Figueroa, who arrived in good shape, led by Lucas Ordoñez who returned to play a good game, after his great start scoring in the previous day.

Although the Reus withstood well the first half (twice tied the score), he commanded the match from start to finish although Vic was in the second half when Figueroa pulled the throttle and decided the match in his favor ( 5-3). The Vic Patí Roncato well managed their second win of the season and placed co-leader along with Vendrell and the Lyceum.

The Moritz Vendrell clearly won (2-6) to Voltregà, in a game since the first time it became expensive for the Baix Penedés and thanks to the wide marker was placed at the top of the classification by goal average.

Less fortunate was the same as losing to a very inspired Lyceum (4-6) with three goals Bargalló keeps you head and face almost no time on Monday to Vic Riazor.

Gaby Barca Cairo tied to the Vilanova is fourth in the table, level on points with the Noia Freixenet who won (4-5) to goals from Toni Monjos Seró, Jaume Farres, Joan Feixas, Jordi Love and Esteller.

The rest of the day pitted the Pas Enrile Calafell Alcoy and Tot L'any of which the Catalans emerged victorious by a large 4 to 8 and the Blanes Sather defeated 5-4 SHUM a spectacular comeback.


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